The Tale of the Pencil, the Eraser and the Pencil-Sharpener

Alwis VerlagEdition Krümel
The Tale of the Pencil, the Eraser and the Pencil-Sharpener
Titel:The Tale of the Pencil, the Eraser and the Pencil-Sharpener
Autoren:Gerd Sobtzyk, Uwe Stöcker
Illustrator:Heike Georgi
Übersetzung:Beatrix Startt
Verlag:Alwis Verlag
Editionen:Alwis Verlag, Edition Krümel
ISBN:print 978-3-938932-30-8
Seiten / Umfang:48 Pages
Maße:14,0 cm x 17,5 cm
Kategorien:Bilderbuch, Kinderbuch, Malbuch
Preis:5,70 € inkl. 10% MwSt

Little Sebastian just doesn’t feel like studying. Every day, he is supposed to do reading and
writing exercises, and on top of that, he even has to sit still! But he would like to play with
his friends outside in the garden rather than to study.

One day his mother buys a new pencil,
a thick eraser and a pencil-sharpener. And the three have to experience for themselves how
it feels not to be much loved at all. But how are they supposed to teach the little boy Sebastian?

Pencil, Eraser and Pencil-Sharpener are clueless – until that special day …

This is a story that makes you smile and think – and it is not only for children who are just
starting school. For some parents it will be comforting that they are not alone
with their every day experiences … and every parent has been waiting for such a special day.

Including exercise!


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